The Ongoing Adventures of Naked Girl

The story of my quest to look good naked -- really good.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

6 Degrees of Separation

Who knows what faboulous path one might traverse when meandering through the World Wide Web.

I started out at CNN and read about Metroblogging. As I was reading the posts, I came across a LA Meme I thought would be cool to check out. So I clicked the link, and at the top of the new site was MY SITE!! Holy smokes....kinda cool and scary at the same time.

I did find the Friday Meme so I figure I should fill it out, even though it's not Friday:

1. Where is the last place you ate out? Hate to say it, but TGI Friday's on the way back from Del Mar racetrack.
2. How often do you eat out? If I'm being good, 1 time a week as a treat. If I'm being bad, probably 2-4 times a week.
3. Where is the place you eat most? Fast food - El Pollo Loco or for Take Out - Paco's Tacos
4. Where do you tell your friends that they “have to try”? For a fun, beach scene - Baja Cantina. For a romantic dinner - Crustacean
5. What dish do they have to order when they get there? At the Baja - margaritas! At Crusteacean - Prawns from the Secret Kitchen with garlic noodles.
6. Where do you eat when money is not a concern? Wine Cask in Santa Barbara, Cafe Del Rey in Marina Del Rey
7. Where do you eat when money is tight? I cook a lot, but In-and-Out Burgers is cheap and close by
8. What restaurant have you wanted to try but haven’t been to yet? L'Orangerie, The Apple Pan, The French Laundry

I will be leaving at the crack of dawn tomorrow for Minneapolis and won't be back until late Thursday. I'm not taking the laptop for such a short trip, but promise to update if I can while I'm on the road. Otherwise, check back Friday for a news update.


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