The Ongoing Adventures of Naked Girl

The story of my quest to look good naked -- really good.

Monday, May 10, 2004

Memories & Mother's Day

What an exhausting weekend. Between the emotional drain of the service on Saturday and the anticipation of Mother's Day brunch on Sunday, I was pretty much a wreak from Friday until Sunday afternoon.

In the end, it was no where near as bad as I thought it might. Nancy's service was hard emotionally, but equally gratifying. The speeches (including my mom's) were great -- a lot of laughs and a few tears. Everyone who spoke touched on something we all remembered about Nancy -- her laugh, her smile, her tendency to yell/scream in excitement, her love of children (she taught Nursery School for 18 years), her predilection for sipping chardonnay, her love of the beach. Her youngest son did a beautiful Power Point presentation with a ton of photos with music. My mom also did a photo board which included a photo of Nancy, her daughter Jackie, my mom and me on my 16th birthday -- talk about memories -- Mom and Nancy rented a limo and we went to see the Eurythmics. I was dressed in white pants, a red vest and a white "Miami Vice" blazer PLUS white Ray Bans. Jackie was "Contempo'd" (if you ever went to a mall in the 80s, you probably know Contempo) in her red, black and white outfit. Jeeze, some photos should just stay in storage. Anyway, we didn't stay at the reception very long -- too many people, too hot and I always find people grubbing for free food somewhat disturbing.

I was worried that Mother's Day brunch would be overly emotional with my mom still grieving, however we had a wonderful time and really good food.

Because of all the worrying and running around, I never really felt like I got to relax until late last night, and I crashed at 9:30 PM. In fact, I was really dragging ass this morning and kinda feel like I didn't get a "real" weekend. On top of it all, it's THAT time of the month, so I know that's taking it's toll as well.

I'm doing well on my May goals. I even made a smart choice at Starbuck's yesterday -- non-fat iced coffee. I didn't do too well at brunch, opting for huevos ranchero over grilled ahi tuna, but I can't win them all. I did do a 40 minute walk with the dogs on Saturday, but did not get to do any exercise yesterday, so only 50% on the exercise goal. Ahh, well, it's still early in the month.

I have a fairly busy week -- no rest for the weary I guess. Can't wait for the weekend, that's for sure.


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