The Ongoing Adventures of Naked Girl

The story of my quest to look good naked -- really good.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Joining Forces

OK, now that Denise and Yvonne are taking up the challenge, I thought I might as well.

My goal is to eat on plan everyday until May 1. That means:
Breakfast = oatmeal, fruit
Lunch = 4-6 oz. of protein, 1 starch, unlimited veggies, optional fruit
Dinner = 6-8 oz. of protein, 1 starch, unlimited veggies
Dessert = fruit or 10 cal popsicle

I also have to drink at least 68 oz. of water, limit myself to 1 diet coke per day, and consume no alcohol.

Exercise at this point is optional, but encouraged.

So far, I have 1 day (yesterday) on plan, 9 to go.

Are we ready?


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