The Ongoing Adventures of Naked Girl

The story of my quest to look good naked -- really good.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Could We Add 1 More Hour to the Day? Please??

The last few days have just been jam-packed. I've been so burnt out when I get home at night that the last thing I want to do it log on to the 'Net.

Anyway, I weigh in at my nutritionist in 45 minutes. Is there any way to lose 5 - 6 pounds in that amount of time? I thought not. Ahhh, well.....

I'm still waiting on my test results from my doctor's appointment last week. I'm hoping they are good, but I'm worried about my thyroid. I'm tired of dealing with it and just want to stop medicating it since it doesn't seem to be making a difference. I'm feeling bloated and dehydrated because of the allergy meds I'm taking, so basically I'm just all messed up.

Of course, the best remedy to all of this is to go on vacation, which I am doing next week. I plan on getting a lot of stuff done around the house -- things like getting the carpets cleaned, the chimney swept, getting a quote on replacing our front face, etc. Plus I have a huge list of spring cleaning chores. Despite this sounding like work, there is something very rejuvenate about "getting your house in order."

There is still upheaval at work. My boss has a job, but I don't know if she is going to continue to be my boss. There is also a rumor that a new position is coming out that is more up my alley -- Business Analyst. Now that is something to get excited about.


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