The Ongoing Adventures of Naked Girl

The story of my quest to look good naked -- really good.

Friday, June 11, 2004

More Recent Photos

I am going to have to show Don how to use the digital camera so I can actually get in some of these photos.....

Baja telling Don it's time to play.....

Baja looking playful....

Jager being daring (this was taken in Santa Barbara in April)....

Jager sunning herself in her fort....

As you can see, my dogs are the subjects of about 99% of my photos. It's just that they can look so darn cute.

I, for one, am ready for the weekend. Nothing major planned, but the first week back from vacation always seems the worst. I want to get into the gym both days and check out Curves. Other than that, my calendar is wide open -- just what I need after a week like this.


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